they have a word for it
mokita (kiriwana, new guinea):
truth everybody knows but nobody speaks.
mamihlapinatapei (tierra del fuegan):
a meaningful look, shared by two people, expressing mutual unstated feelings.
schadenfreude (german):
joy that one feels as a result of someone else's misfortune.
saper vivere (italian):
to know how to handle people diplomatically.
nakhes (yiddish)
a mixture of pleasure and pride, particularly the kind that a parent receives from a child.
razbliuto (russian)
the feeling a person has for someone he or she once loved but now does not.
shibui (japanese)
beauty of aging.
istiqâra (arabic)
a request for spiritual or practical assistance in the form of a dream.
ondinnonk (iroquoian)
the soul's innermost benevolent desires.
they have a word for it. a lighthearted lexicon of untranslatable words & phrases - howard rheingold.
truth everybody knows but nobody speaks.
mamihlapinatapei (tierra del fuegan):
a meaningful look, shared by two people, expressing mutual unstated feelings.
schadenfreude (german):
joy that one feels as a result of someone else's misfortune.
saper vivere (italian):
to know how to handle people diplomatically.
nakhes (yiddish)
a mixture of pleasure and pride, particularly the kind that a parent receives from a child.
razbliuto (russian)
the feeling a person has for someone he or she once loved but now does not.
shibui (japanese)
beauty of aging.
istiqâra (arabic)
a request for spiritual or practical assistance in the form of a dream.
ondinnonk (iroquoian)
the soul's innermost benevolent desires.
they have a word for it. a lighthearted lexicon of untranslatable words & phrases - howard rheingold.
brigitte - 5. Dez, 19:59